

  • 学术、课程历史: 查看所有课程的详细列表, including transfer; can be easily sorted and downloaded to a spreadsheet
  • 学术、转学分报告: View both a transfer credit summary by external institution as well as course-by-course detail
  • 学者、提款/重复: view the EO 1037 withdrawal and repeat limits (in preparation for online repeat checking coming soon)
  • 交流中心: view a log of communications sent to the student; newer communications will provide a link for the student to see the content of the letter
  • 个人信息、姓名: 查看学生记录中的小学和文凭名称

  • 学术,我的课程表: 学生日程安排的列表视图和周日历视图
  • 学术、购物车: view what a student has in their shopping cart (planned but not yet enrolled)
  • 学者、提款/重复: view the EO 1037 withdrawal and repeat limits (in preparation for online repeat checking coming soon)
  • 学者选项卡: view a comprehensive academic snapshot all on one page with term-by-term detail and statistics (e.g. units and GPA); easier that using an unofficial transcript or hopping between Term History, 学生的成绩, 等.
  • 交流中心: view a log of communications sent to the student; newer communications will provide a link to see the content of the letter
  • 个人信息、紧急联系人: 查看学生的紧急联系信息(如果可用)
  • 进度计划: 查看学生在时间表计划(e)中设置了什么.g. 课程、休息时间等.)
  • 搜索、浏览课程目录: 从搜索选项卡访问课程目录

下载PDF 下列说明之一.

  1. MyCalStateLA门户 at http://my.canvaswinelodge.com/ 并使用MyCalStateLA ID帐户的用户名和密码登录.
  2. 在左侧的QuickLaunch区域下,单击得到LA链接.
  3. 点击左侧菜单中的“自助服务”.
  4. Click on "My Schedule" – this will display your term schedule for a future term (whatever is the most recently entered term schedule for you in 得到).
  5. 点击绿色/黄色的“更改条款”按钮.
  6. 选择当前术语并点击绿色/黄色“继续”按钮.
  7. Click the "Grade Roster" icon; next to the class for which you will be entering grades.
  8. 从下拉菜单中为每个学生选择合适的年级. If a student has stopped attending your class please enter a WU-grade (Withdrawal Unauthorized). wu级要求输入“最后出勤日期”. 该字段将默认为术语中的50%点. 您可以更改这个日期以符合您的记录. 请不要在花名册上留下空白成绩.
  9. 一旦所有的年级都填好了, change the Approval Status designation to "Approved" using the drop down menu.
  10. 请务必点击绿色/黄色的“保存”按钮.
  11. Click the "Return" button to return to the class schedule and select another class.

下载PDF 下列说明之一.


请浏览 学生得到页面 以学生为导向的候补名单信息.

谁决定哪些课程被列入候补名单? 所有本科课程必须提供无限制的候补名单(999). Excluded from this directive are sections with corequisites or sections requiring department/instructor consent.

学生什么时候可以使用候补名单? 的 waitlist becomes available to students when enrollment numbers for the class have reached full capacity. 的 waitlist will continue to be available to students until six business days after the term starts.

哪些课程可以不使用候补名单? A waitlist may not be used with any course that has a co-requisite or requires department/instructor consent.

多部分课程可以使用候补名单吗? 是的. 事实上,是一个候补名单 必须 用于多部分课程的所有部分.

交叉分类的课程可以使用候补名单吗? 是的,一个候补名单 必须 be set up at the course level as well as on the Combined Sections Table page. 这需要向排班办公室提交请求.

如何从候补名单中选出学生? 等候名单流程采用“先到”原则, 先得”的概念, meaning that those earliest in line have a lower waitlist position number. Those in the front of the line will automatically be enrolled when a space opens 只要他们符合入学要求/条件. 一旦排在队伍前面的学生从候补名单中移出, 下一个学生将上升到位置1.

What happens when enrollment capacity is increased on a section with a wailist? 学生 on the waitlist will have priority in filling newly created space.

学生如何报名参加由于高需求而增加的新课程? Academic departments are encouraged to notify waitlisted students via e-mail when new sections have been created. It is the student's responsibility to access 得到 and enroll in the new section.

相关内容, 需要共同必备条件的课程不能被列入候补名单.

允许课程 -需要许可的课程不应该被列入候补名单. 具有现有等待列表的部分以后不应添加同意要求. 学生 waitlisted prior to requiring a permit are enrolled without a permit when seats become available.

注册数量(负服务指标) -如果你的注册有保留,你不能等待名单.

必备的 - If you have not completed the required requisites for a course, you cannot waitlist.

时间冲突 – If you are enrolled in a class at the same time the waitlist course is being offered, 你将不能在课程名单上等候.

超过单位 - You cannot enroll in a waitlisted class if it causes you to exceed the maximum units allowed.

额外的部分 - Yout cannot enroll in a waitlisted class if you are already enrolled in a different section of the same course.

最多9台 - Student may waitlist up to nine units at a time depending on full/part-time payment status.

New in the 得到 教师 Center: Student photos now appear on your 学生名单s (8/17/17)



  1. 选择 class roster you would like to view by clicking on the class roster icon to the left of the class. 系统将显示班级名册.
    Text Box: NOTE: If there is no enrollment in the class, the class roster icon will not display.
  2. 如果您想查看学生的身份证照片, click on the photo icon to the left of the student's ID number or click on the "Include photos in list" radio button to scan through the photos for the entire class.
  3. 打印完整的班级花名册及相片:
    • 选择 在列表中添加照片 option.
    • Select 查看所有. 将显示一个完整的花名册和照片.
    • 打印完整的花名册和照片, 右键单击列表右侧区域的任何位置 如图所示:
    • 然后选择 这个框架,然后 打印框架……


学生现在可以 验证 在指定的注册时间之前,他们想要的课程安排. This gives students a head start on resolving common enrollment barriers in advance of their registration appointment.

招生 validation works closely with Schedule Planner and the Shopping Cart to simulate an add request for each class section submitted by the student. 仿真过程进行错误检查, 报告不能添加类的原因, 不登记学生或预留座位. 检查的错误有:

  • 持有(负服务指标)
  • 时间的冲突
  • 未满足条件
  • 同意要求
  • 最大单位负荷(不预付)

Validation will open for students two weeks before the first enrollment appointments start. This gives students a head start on resolving common enrollment barriers in advance. This is intended to distribute the workload associated with clearing those barriers over more time and relieve stress on everyone during the appointment registration weeks.

中可以看到两种类型的预约 学生中心:

  • 购物车预约:学生何时可以使用注册验证
  • 登记预约:学生可以提交添加/删除请求的时间

购物车预约 只允许访问 验证 按钮上的购物车. 它不允许学生提交添加/删除请求.

A student may only submit add/drop requests during the time frame defined on an 登记预约.

是的. We will send an email message explaining the enrollment process to eligible to enroll students later this week when we publish Shopping Cart and 登记预约s in 得到. 的 message explains the difference between the two appointment types and outlines the six recommended enrollment steps:

  • 解决有
  • 审查优秀的学术要求(CAAR)
  • 使用时间表计划器来确定首选的部分
  • Validate 招生 and resolve any problems such as obtaining required class permits
  • Pay any tuition and fees not covered by that term's anticipated financial aid. Financial 援助 will send notifications including anticipated aid to students who meet the priority application date.
  • 报名及确认时间表

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