

Course sections that reach capacity may have 候补名单 available to students. 了解更多足彩外围网站候补名单:

Many courses offered that have reached capacity will provide the opportunity to waitlist during registration.

什么是候补名单? A waitlist is a way you can add your name to a list for full classes during the enrollment process. 如果有空位,您将自动注册. 这项服务适用于许多课程. 不是所有课程都有候补名单. 等待名单有一些限制和条件. 以下是一些足彩外围网站候补名单的常见问题.

我可以候补哪些课程? 大多数本科课程将有候补名单(见 限制 后面的一节). 联系 部门 offering the course if you are not offered the waitlist option and believe you should.

我什么时候可以加入候补名单? For semesters, once a class is full a student can add their name to a waitlist beginning on their appointment date up to ten business days after the beginning of the semester.

等候期过后会发生什么? For semesters the waitlist for a class will be turned off ten business days after the start of instruction for the term. 学生 remaining on the waitlist after this period will not be enrolled through the waitlist process. 在这一点上,教师将决定谁被添加到班级.

我在得到成功等候后应该做什么? 在学期开始之前 be sure to watch your official 加州大学洛杉矶分校 email address (in the myCalStateLA portal) for notice that you have successfully enrolled. 如果你没有收到通知,那么你可能没有注册. 在这种情况下, after the term starts be sure to attend the first class meeting for the course you wish to add. At this first class you may be able to obtain a permit from the instructor to add the class.

我是兼职学生,我可以候补吗? All appropriate fees 必须 be paid before enrollment from waitlist can occur. 如果适当的费用不是当前的, 该学生将继续留在候补名单上, 但是不能进行注册交易. 想转为全日制的非全日制学生 必须事先支付全日制费用吗.

候补课程是否计入注册? Waitlist courses are not counted as enrolled courses and cannot be counted towards financial aid or enrollment verification status.

如果我决定不参加我在候补名单上的课程怎么办? 学生有责任把自己从候补名单上除名. If a student is enrolled through waitlist and does not attend the course, a grade of WU 会被扣分多少和扣分多少相同 F.

我怎么才能从候补名单上除名呢? You can drop from a wait list through the Student C输入 just as you would drop from any other class.

我如何检查我的候补名单位置的状态? You can check your waitlist position in the class schedule section of the Student C输入. Waitlist position numbers begin with number one using the “first come, first served” concept.

不在候补名单上的学生可以入座吗? 如果有座位的话, the open seats will not be available to students that are not on the waitlist. 学生 can add directly if there are seats available and nobody is on the waitlist.

我如何知道我是否通过候补名单注册? 你应该每天检查你的课程表. 如果你通过候补名单被录取,你会收到一封电子邮件. Note that you have the responsibility to ensure that your enrollment is correct and you have added/dropped classes by the published deadlines.

Is there a guarantee that I will be enrolled if I get placed on a waitlist? 不能保证你会从候补名单中被录取. 记住,先到先得.

我可以在同一课程的不同部分注册和等待吗? 是的,你可以为同一门课的不同部分排队. If you are already enrolled in one section of a class but prefer another section, you may choose to 交换 已登记的部分为等候名单部分. 只有在成功从等待名单中登记后,您才会被删除. 你不能等待或 交换 into classes that have a Related Class in common, such as labs that share a common lecture.

How do I know when new sections are added for a course I've waitlisted? Academic 部门s are encouraged to notify waitlisted students via e-mail when new sections are added. 学生 are encouraged to monitor their enrollment and periodically check to see if new sections have been added. It is the student's responsibility to access 得到 and swap the waitlisted section for a new open section.

谁决定哪些课程被列入候补名单? 所有本科课程必须提供无限制的候补名单(999). Excluded from this directive are sections with corequisites or sections requiring 部门/instructor consent.

学生什么时候可以使用候补名单? The waitlist becomes available to students when enrollment numbers for the class have reached full capacity. 学期(秋季/春季), the waitlist will continue to be available to students until ten business days after the term starts.

哪些课程可以不使用候补名单? A waitlist may not be used with any course that has a co-requisite or requires 部门/instructor consent.

多部分课程可以使用候补名单吗? 是的. 事实上,是一个候补名单 必须 用于多部分课程的所有部分.

交叉分类的课程可以使用候补名单吗? 是的,一个候补名单 必须 be set up at the course level as well as on the Combined Sections Table page. 这需要向排班办公室提交请求.

如何从候补名单中选出学生? 等候名单流程采用“先到”原则, 先得”的概念, meaning that those earliest in line have a lower waitlist position number. Those in the front of the line will automatically be enrolled when a space opens 只要他们符合入学要求/条件. 一旦排在队伍前面的学生从候补名单中移出, 下一个学生将上升到位置1.

What happens when enrollment capacity is increased on a section with a wailist? 学生 on the waitlist will have priority in filling newly created space.

学生如何报名参加由于高需求而增加的新课程? Academic 部门s are encouraged to notify waitlisted students via e-mail when new sections have been created. It is the student's responsibility to access 得到 and enroll in the new section.

相关内容, 需要共同必备条件的课程不能被列入候补名单.

允许课程 -需要许可的课程不能被列入候补名单. 你需要去课程部门领取许可证.

注册数量(负服务指标) -如果你的注册有保留,你不能等待名单.

必备的 - If you have not completed the required requisites for a course, you cannot waitlist.

时间冲突 – If you are enrolled in a class at the same time the waitlist course is being offered, 你将不能在课程名单上等候.

超过单位 - You cannot enroll in a waitlisted class if it causes you to exceed the maximum units allowed.

额外的部分 - You cannot enroll in a waitlisted class if you are already enrolled in a different section of the same course.

最多9台 - Student may waitlist up to nine units at a time depending on full/part-time payment status.





例子的结果:等待名单已完成-消息如下: 10628班满了. 你已经被安排在1号位置的等候名单上.



在候补名单上寻求帮助, please contact the academic 部门 offering the course for which you are trying to enroll or contact the 得到 Helpline at 323-343-7得到 (7438).

  1. 2 .输入类别编号,单击 输入 (或点击 搜索 查询类别编号)
    例子的结果:等待名单已完成-消息如下: 10628班满了. 你已经被安排在1号位置的等候名单上.


  2. 单击等待列表框,然后单击 下一个
    例子的结果:等待名单已完成-消息如下: 10628班满了. 你已经被安排在1号位置的等候名单上.


  3. 检查,如果显示正确的航线,单击 进入步骤2. Note: You can delete the course from your shopping cart at this point -- just click the trash can icon. After you finish the wait list process you can drop the class like any other class.
    例子的结果:等待名单已完成-消息如下: 10628班满了. 你已经被安排在1号位置的等候名单上.


  4. 点击 完成注册.
    例子的结果:等待名单已完成-消息如下: 10628班满了. 你已经被安排在1号位置的等候名单上.


  5. 您成功等待后列出的课程, the screenshot below is what your schedule will look like until the system enrolls you into the course.
    例子的结果:等待名单已完成-消息如下: 10628班满了. 你已经被安排在1号位置的等候名单上.