Registration & Enrollment

Class Enrollment begins with a scheduled Enrollment Appointment. Your appointment date and time is displayed in the Student Center. Please refer to the 日期 and Deadlines web页面 for registration start dates and deadlines.

Access 得到 从 MyCalStateLA Portal.

你将被分配一个特定的日期和时间,当你可以开始注册. Enrollment Appointment 时间是根据你的学术水平和获得的单位随机分配的. 分配给你的时间是固定的,不得以任何理由改变. Hint: In 得到, use the change term button to select the correct term when looking for your Enrollment Appointment.

Enrolling is a 6-step process

  1. Resolve holds
  2. Plan your Degree for a timely Graduation
  3. Plan your Class Schedule ahead of time with Schedule Planner
  4. Pay any tuition and fees
  5. Obtain permissions for classes as needed
  6. Enroll in classes during your Appointment day/time

的 steps are listed in the menu to your left, or proceed:

Step 1 - Resolve Holds


Additional Enrollment information

Add / Drop

学生可以使用得到学生中心从最初的注册预约时间开始添加和删除课程,直到学期的第十一个工作日. 学期间、夏季学期和其他特殊课程的加/退截止日期有所不同. Please refer to the 日期 & Deadlines 页面 for specific deadlines.



学生使用延迟添加请求表格在添加截止日期之后和学期的第十五个工作日之前添加课程(人口普查)。. 人口普查日期因学期间、夏季学期和其他特别学期而异. Please refer to the 日期 & Deadlines 页面 for specific census dates.


学生 use the Petition to Add Class after Census, available on the Registrar 形式 页面,只有在大学方面有记录的技术错误的情况下.


学生使用退课申请在加/退课截止日期和学期内的80%分之间退课. Please refer to the class schedule for these specific dates as they may vary. A withdrawal is included on the student’s transcript with a W 年级. 本科学生在整个本科生涯中,最多只能申请18个学期的退学.

Late Withdrawal

在学期的最后20%,学生可以使用退课申请和附录来退课. Please refer to the class schedule for these specific dates as they may vary. 逾期退课将在学生的成绩单上显示为“W”级. 本科学生在整个本科生涯中,最多只能申请18个学期的退学.

学生 are not permitted to withdraw after the end of a term.


Changes to enrollment (add, 下降, 在学期开始后发生的退学,将按比例收取费用(减少退款). 的 One-Stop Financial Services website offers information regarding refunds.

All students can view their official enrollment in 得到. 学生有责任将任何注册差异告知记录办公室, located at the Records Office, SSB 1st Floor (Admissions and Records Center). 如果学生注册了一个他/她认为自己已经放弃或不记得注册过的课程, 该学生必须获得一份由导师签字批准的退学申请表, department chair, 也可能是学校院长,以便从他们的记录中正式删除这门课. 学生是唯一对入学记录负责的个人, and shouldn't assume that they will be 下降ped for non-attendance.

CSU Fully Online Courses
科罗拉多州立大学完全在线课程计划(以前称为“CourseMatch”)为符合条件的科罗拉多州立大学完全入学的学生提供了一个机会,可以在每学期注册另一个科罗拉多州立大学校区提供的一门完全在线课程. 的 program is aimed to facilitate access to high-demand, 高成功课程是为学生提供加速毕业所需课程的持续努力的一部分. 如果您已经准备好参加科罗拉多州立大学的在线课程,请访问您的 MyCalStateLA portal and select the "Enroll in CSU Fully Online" link. 请注意,科罗拉多州立大学完全在线注册通常在学期开始前两周提供.

参加足彩外围网站提供的完全在线课程的其他机构的学生可以在我们的网站上找到更多信息 CSU Fully Online Courses Welcome 页面.

Cal State L.A. 在注册过程中使用候补名单来帮助学生注册他们需要的课程. Please refer to the Waitlists 页面 for more information.

Undergraduate students:

  • May enroll in up to 18 units per semester
  • May waitlist up to 9 units at a time
  • Waitlisted units are included in the overall term limit
  • 全日制学生要求本学期选修12门课程, 然而, 15 units is recommended for timely graduation


Graduate students:

  • May enroll in up to 16 units per semester
  • May waitlist up to 9 units at a time
  • Waitlisted units are included in the overall term limit
  • 5000和6000数列的研究生课程不再加权(x1).5) when calculating enrollment status (e.g. full-time, half-time, etc.)
  • 全日制学生,每学期需修8门课程


California Education Code Section 66025.81 要求科罗拉多州立大学各校区给予学生家长入学优先权. 它进一步澄清,“学生家长”是指有一个或多个18岁以下子女的学生,他们将从该学生那里获得一半以上的资助. 

足彩外围网站有一个优先注册项目,提供许多团体, including student parents, 有机会在其他学生没有获得这种权利之前入学. 与其他类似项目一样,学生家长被授予入学优先权,比相同学术水平的其他学生更早获得入学预约.g., doctoral, master’s, senior, junior, etc.). 

在秋季和春季学期的预注册期间,每年有两次优先注册机会. Winter and summer sessions do not use a priority registration program. 在下学期的预注册之前,可以在得到学生中心申请学生家长提前注册预约. 认证页面在每年两次的注册预约开发和预注册周期间关闭. 请求学生家长提前注册注册预约的截止日期公布在 日期 & Deadlines 页面 each year. 


  1. Sign into 得到 via the MyCalStateLA portal.
  2. Click on the Student Center tile:
    Student Center tile
  3. Within Student Center, under the Personal Information section, select Dependents 从 Other Profile Informationb 下降down and click the blue chevron arrow on the right [ >> ]

  4. To report Dependent Children, select the 是的 radio button and enter the Date of Birth of your youngest child in the Youngest Dependent's Date of Birth. 在截图示例中,出生日期已填写为05/05/2015. Note that you cannot enter a date that makes your dependent over 18.
    Language seen in 得到 about Dependent Children
  5. Check the Student Certification box and then the Submit button to report your Dependent Children.
    Student Certification checkbox and Submit button
  6. Date of Submission will appear with today's date when you are finished.
    Date of Submission confirmation