
The 大学档案馆 houses official institutional records, 文档, 出版物, 照片, and audio-visual media documenting the history of 加州大学洛杉矶分校.




The collection includes over 30,000 photographic prints and over 20,500 negatives. The photograph collection is comprised of images captured by the Office of Public Affairs. Many of the 照片 were used in university 出版物 over the 一年s and were taken by staff photographers.


Installation of new freeway sign reflecting the change from 洛杉矶 State College, 1964


由马里恩·格拉夫拍摄, 一位退休的教员, this collection consists of 146 photographic slides depicting campus views during the 1960s and 1970s. Included in this collection are images of South Hall (also known as Salazar Hall), 新科学大楼, 行政大楼, 平房, 学生事务, 美术, 以及神经学中心.


The Cross Cultural Center was initially founded in 1997 as an umbrella for the Asian Pacific Islander Student Resource Center, 墨西哥裔/拉美裔/拉美裔学生资源中心, 泛非学生资源中心与性别 & 性资源中心. These centers provide an inclusive and friendly space to host a variety of cultural, 政治及学术活动, 以及为学生提供的资源和其他支持服务. 除了, they host cultural graduations that reflect the various backgrounds of graduating seniors such as the Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Grad Celebration, 黑人/泛非毕业生庆典, 同志骄傲毕业庆典, 芝加哥人/拉丁人/拉扎人的毕业庆典. This collection is primarily comprised of event flyers and planning 文档 information for events hosted or co-hosted by the Cross Cultural Center from 1997-2008.



The collection consists of the files of emeritus professors and 加州大学洛杉矶分校 faculty. 最初由院长办公室维护, 教职工档案是历史研究的丰富资料, 并包括诸如个人信息之类的材料, 照片, 和文章.


洛杉矶县艺术高中(LACHSA) is a visual and performing arts high school established in 1985 by Caroline Leonetti Ahmanson. Ahmanson was an American fashion consultant, businesswoman, and philanthropist. LACHSA is a small learning community fully integrated within the campus of California State University, 洛杉矶. The school serves 600 culturally and socioeconomically diverse teenagers from more than eighty school districts in the county.


Promotional material for 洛杉矶 County High School for the Arts


The University Times is the student-run newspaper of California State University, 洛杉矶. First published in June 1948, it was known simply as "洛杉矶 State College". By October of that 一年, the newspaper was officially named "College Times". 然后, in 1972, 《足彩外围网站》变成了《大学时报, in accordance with 加州大学洛杉矶分校's change to university status. In 1965 the College Times was named the best newspaper by California Intercollegiate Press.



有了《退伍军人权利法案》, returning veterans from the Korean conflict flooded into 洛杉矶 State College. 这在今天很常见, many of these students attended classes in the evening while working a full-time job during the day. To introduce evening students to their classmates, activities and college life, L.A. 州立大学开始出版一份晚报,叫做 晚上时间.




收藏包括1948年至今的年鉴. The 一年book was not published between 1968-1975 as a result of anti-establishment philosophy held by many students.


洛杉矶州立大学年鉴, 干草叉, 1966


贝尼塔·弗朗西斯·施瓦茨就读于加州州立大学, 洛杉矶 (then known as 洛杉矶 State College) and majored in 首页 Economics. She was awarded a number of honors including “LASC Outstanding Women, S’57.”


贝妮塔Shwartz shaking hands with 洛杉矶 State College President Howard S. 麦当劳,1958


The materials in this collection were created between 1968-1978. The entire collection consists of posters announcing events presented by the 墨西哥裔美国人研究 Department at California State University, 洛杉矶. The events include Feria De La Raza and the United Mexican American 学生 Present "Community Day on Campus."




足彩外围网站学生会, 成立于1975年, is an on-campus organization consisting of multiple facilities and resource centers such as the Cross Cultural Centers, 学生参与中心, 性别与性资源中心, 学生联会. This collection 文档 many of the student-run events hosted by various 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Student Union organizations that took place both on and off campus between 1995 and 2018.



声明》杂志 is a student publication that served as a journal of creative and critical expression for the student population of California State University, 洛杉矶. This physical collection features all 问题s published from 1950 to 2019.




The 加州大学洛杉矶分校 thesis collection includes masters theses written by 加州大学洛杉矶分校 graduate students as part of their degree requirements. 作为原始研究的记录, the collection is actively read and referred to by 加州大学洛杉矶分校 students, 外部研究人员和校友. All theses (print and digital) are discoverable through the library catalog, 搜索引.


The library provides access to Masters theses published after Winter 2012 in full text electronic format. All electronic copies can be accessed by author, title or keyword search via 搜索引.

出版论文(1954- 2011秋季)

The print thesis collections consist of preservation copies housed in the 特殊的集合 and 档案 unit of the JFK Memorial 图书馆, 位于帕尔默翼楼, 2079房间. It is a non-circulating collection and can be accessed through walk-in appointments. 要提前预约,请填写我们的 申请预约表格.

Should you have any 问题s accessing a title, please contact us at (电子邮件保护) or (323) 343-3960.