Cultural, Heritage, and Awareness Celebrations

Below is a list of Cultural, History, Heritage, or Awareness celebrations/months/days. This list is not comprehensive. We welcome your feedback, including additions to the list. 如果你正在考虑组织一个活动,并对咨询或请求后勤支持感兴趣, please contact Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging.


拉丁裔传统月庆祝拉丁美洲人的贡献,以及那些祖先通常来自西班牙的人丰富的文化历史, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. 这一时期包括南美洲和中美洲几个国家庆祝各自独立日的日期.  Read about the contributions of the Latinx community and access educational resources.

Library resources guide on Latinx Heritage Month


INdigenous Peoples Day October 10, 12 -1 pm U-SU Plaza

Cal State LA honors Indigenous Peoples Day! 加入由Lazaro Arvisu公司的Xipe Tote带领的游行队伍,庆祝共同的历史和文化. A blessing, songs and spoken word will follow.

菲律宾裔美国人历史月在10月举行,目的是让人们意识到菲律宾人在美国历史上所扮演的角色. 之所以选择这个月,是因为1587年10月“Luzones in dios”在莫罗湾登陆, California, with a number of the first known Filipino sailors. In 2009, U.S. Congress recognized October as Filipino American History Month in the United States.

For more information, visit the Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) website.

LGBTQ+ History Month celebrates the history and achievements of the LGBTQ+ community. The observance began as a call to action for the movement. Over the years, LGBTQ+历史月已经演变成一个全国性的合作活动,将LGBTQ+社区的杰出人物带到聚光灯下.

Equality Forum


The joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and U.S. Department of Education 促进和庆祝那些让美国人为全球环境做好准备的项目,并吸引未来的海外领导人来这里学习, learn, and exchange experiences.

Learn more about International Week.


In November we celebrate American Indian Heritage month, which has been observed since the approved joint resolution in 1990. 这个月是为了纪念第一批美国人对我们今天所知道的美国的建立所做的贡献. The proclamations vary (e.g., “Native American Heritage Month”, “National American and Alaskan Heritage Month” etc.) 

November 11 is observed as Veterans Day to honor America's veterans. 从历史上看,11月11日是同盟国和德国停止战斗的日子. For more information, please review the VA website


“MLK Day” is a national holiday marking the birthday of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. 从1955年到1968年被暗杀,金一直是民权运动中非暴力激进主义的主要发言人. 他抗议州和联邦法律中的种族歧视,并帮助推进美国有色人种的民权.


Black History Month 2月则专门庆祝非裔美国人的成就和历史. 这个节日是向那些为获得美国公民身份而奋斗和倡导的非裔美国人致敬.S. Key people and events in the history of African diaspora are honored.  

The Library Resource Guide on Black History Month is a great resource for additional information.


César Chávez Day (March 31) is observed in the United States on March 31 each year. The holiday celebrates the birthday of César Chávez, 他是一名移民农场工人,后来成为反对针对美国社区的种族和经济不公正的主要活动家. Chávez在20世纪60年代早期共同创立了全国农场工人协会,并获得了支持,使他的组织成为美国第一个成功的农场工人工会.

The Irish-American Heritage Month was first celebrated in 1991. It honors the contributions of Irish immigrants and their descendants in the U.S. Saint Patrick’s Day (March 17), 爱尔兰的国定假日和爱尔兰守护神的文化和宗教庆祝活动也落在这个遗产月. 

National Deaf History Month, March 13 - April 15, commemorates the achievements of people who are deaf and hard of hearing. The history month is spread across March and April, 它能识别出19世纪以来聋人历史上一系列重要的历史事件.  

Women's History Month was previously a week-long event in Sonoma, California. 1987年国会签署决议后,妇女历史月成为官方的年度庆祝活动. 它最初的建立是为了引起人们对历史研究中女性的关注和提高对女性的关注. International Women’s Day (March 8) also falls during this month.  

Consult the Library Resource Guide on Women’s History Month for additional information.


The LGBTQIA+ Pride Month is celebrated in June to mark the Stonewall Uprising in 1969.

The Library Resource Guide on Pride Month has additional information.

Information on the annual LA Pride Parade and Festival

Juneteenth 6月19日是一个联邦假日,纪念奴隶制的终结和被奴役的非裔美国人的解放. This holiday is often observed for celebrating African American culture. In June 2021, Congress passed a resolution establishing Juneteenth as a federal holiday, and it was soon after signed into law by President Biden. 


The Asian Pacific American Heritage Month 是为了纪念5月7日第一批日本移民到美国而在5月庆祝的, 1843, and marks the anniversary of the completion of the transcontinental railroad on May 10, 1869. The majority of the workers who laid the tracks were Chinese immigrants. 

Library resources on AAPI Heritage Month

The Jewish American Heritage Month 纪念2004年5月举行的美国犹太历史350周年纪念活动. 美国犹太人传统月庆祝美国犹太人的成就和对美国的贡献. 

阵亡将士纪念日是一个联邦假日,纪念在军队服役期间牺牲的美国军人. Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of May.