

11月是美国原住民传统月(NAHM). Also known as American Indian Heritage Month and American and Alaskan Heritage Month, NAHM庆祝历史, 文化, 以及印第安人社区的贡献. 


In collaboration with the Center for Student Involvement, The Drive 'N Movies Canned Food Drive is a drive where we collect canned good for the 美国印第安人联合参与公司. the give to the American Indian community during their Annual Thanksgiving Dinner on 11月 8. This Drive is coordinated to celebrate American Indian Heritage Month.

都是足彩外围网站的学生, 教师, 工作人员, and alumni are welcome to participate.

  • 10月23日至11月9日,周一至周五,上午9点至下午5点
  • Center for Engagement, 服务, 和公共利益 office and Center for Student Involvement office
  • Presented by EPIC - Center for Engagement, 服务, 和公共利益


  • 11月1日下午12:30 - 3:00
  • 图书馆社区活动室,图书馆北B131
  • 由人类学系主办, 拉丁美洲研究系, 教学相关活动, 以及多元化办公室, 股本, 和包容


为了纪念印第安人传统月, 我们欢迎所有的亲戚, 社区, and allies to join this conversation of advocacy and solidarity. Acknowledging Indigenous voices creates support for Native peoples in their academic journey and beyond.

都是足彩外围网站的学生, 教师, 工作人员, and alumni as well as community members are welcome to participate.

  • 11月 4, Noon - 1:30 PM and 11月 8, 5:30 - 7:00 PM
  • 图书馆社区活动室,图书馆北B131
  • 由美国印第安人提出 & 土著学生联盟, 多样性办公室, 股本, 和包容, 及大学图书馆.


加州大学洛杉矶分校 Gives Back is a one-day service event coordinated by the Center for Engagement, 服务, 和公共利益. This service day was created as a way to involve the campus community in community engagement. 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Gives Back is an event hosted every semester in which students are invited to participate in a day of service at a local non-profit community organization.   
The 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Gives Back service day event with the 美国印第安人联合参与公司. involves providing support to the organization's Annual Giving Day of 服务 and Dinner.  Volunteers will assist with preparing food boxes; serve as ushers, 服务器/跑步者的食物, and parking attendants; passing out the food boxes to the families when they leave. The UAII event is coordinated annually to provide resources to the American Indian community.   

都是足彩外围网站的学生, 教师, 工作人员, and alumni are welcome to participate.

  • 11月8日,上午10:30 -下午3:30
  • 美国印第安人联合参与公司. - 1453 W. 神庙圣., Los Angeles, CA 90026 – transportation will be provided to and from the site
  • 报名做志愿者 
  • Presented by EPIC - Center for Engagement, 服务, 和公共利益

CAPS will have a posterboard on display at 跨文化中心 that shares information about the Tongva people as well as mental health facts related to Native Americans. Campus community members are also welcome to write on the posterboard if they would like to contribute their own knowledge of the Tongva or other Indigenous peoplesOur hope is to provide a space for the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 community to honor and acknowledge the ancestral land of the Tongva and other Indigenous peoples.

都是足彩外围网站的学生, 教师, 工作人员, and alumni as well as community members are welcome to participate.

  • 11月14日至30日
  • 跨文化中心
  • Presented by the 学生健康中心 (SHC) - Counseling and Psychological 服务s (CAPS)

黛博拉一个. Miranda is an enrolled member of the Ohlone-Costanoan Esselen Nation in California; she has Santa Ynez Chumash, 英法血统. 除了《足彩外围网站》, which deconstructs the glossy coffee table books sold in mission gift shops that function as genocidal propaganda against the lives of California Indians. Currently, Deborah and wife Margo Solod live in Eugene, Oregon.

都是足彩外围网站的学生, 教师, 工作人员, and alumni as well as community members are welcome to participate. The event also includes a book raffle sponsored by the University 图书馆!

  • 11月16日,上午11:00 -下午12:15
  • In-person at University Student Union, 3rd Floor, Los Angeles Room & 通过在线 放大网络研讨会
  • 用ASL记录的公共访问混合事件 & 车 
  • 由博士介绍. 保罗·阿布斯坦博士. 杰西卡·古铁雷斯·马西尼和WGSS俱乐部. 由妇女署共同主办, 性别, 及性研究, the Department of Chicana(o) and Latina(o) Studies, 多样性办公室, 股本, 和包容, 跨文化中心, the Center for the Study of 性别s and Sexualities, 及大学图书馆.

Chasing Tailfeathers is a comedy, loosely based on Shakespeare's Macbeth.  See what happens when the world of the pow wow trail and the world of Shakespeare come together.  看看所有的人类, 无论何时, 的地方, 文化, 和语言, must deal with the darkness within and the ramifications of our bad decision-making.

Written by博士. 卡洛琳•邓恩. 导演:凯蒂·里奇, a guest artist and literary manager from Native Voices at the Autry Museum of the American West. 

都是足彩外围网站的学生, 教师, 工作人员, and alumni as well as community members are welcome to attend.

  • 11月29日,晚上7:30 - 10:00
  • 国家剧场

Presented by 卡洛琳•邓恩 and the Theatre and Dance Department
